What future of vocation education and training in Latvia?

What future of vocation education and training in Latvia?

Cedefop, the European Agency for the Development of Vocational training, has put forward the discussion about the future of vocational education and training  (VET) in Europe. The starting point for this discussion is the three scenarios model. The delivery of VET has changed and evolved over the last years and is delivered by increasingly diverse set of institutions. A school-based and apprenticeship-based VET models are being supplemented and complemented by alternative forms of education, training and learning.

Interesting findings in the synthesis report  showing the changing nature of VET. Unfortunately Latvia has been excluded from the survey among VET stakeholders results due to low numbers of respondents. But let’s hope there will be more about Latvia in the reports of the ongoing study on the future of VET.


Source: https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/02._scenarios_for_vet_in_europe.pdf