The first issue of 2017 of the Regional Innovations Journal is available.
In this issue you will find the following articles:
- The reform of decentralization and strategic budget planning: prospects for Ukraine (Valentyna Pleskach, Nadiya Prokopenko)
- Cities, States and Empires (Adrian Campbell)
- Reasons for the decrease of foreign investments in China: an overview of India’s prospects for becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of goods (Maria Shkulipa)
- Modern medicine in Ukraine: realities, problems and ways of its improvement (Mykhailo Myroshnychenko, Iryna Sorokina)
- The Genevan funds: a cross border opportunity? (Xavier Givelet)
- Indian education system: challenges and reforms (Savita Rani)
You can find previous issues of journal on InterRegioNovation web page.